My Very Late 2020 Wrap Up

Oh, okay, oops. My last blog post was back in OCTOBER? That was so long ago. I didn't mean to disappear. I got a job and then got very super busy, and on days when I wasn't working, I was too exhausted to even think about updating my blog, all I wanted to do was... Continue Reading →

Glee Book Tag

Yeah, I heard that sigh. Yep, I'm doing a Glee Book Tag. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not that sorry. I'd say the fact that I like Glee is a guilty pleasure, but that would imply I'm embarrassed or ashamed and believe me, I'm neither.  Since being stuck in lockdown, I've been craving to... Continue Reading →

SKAM Book Tag Girl Squad

A little while ago I made a SKAM book tag based on the boy squad which you can find here and since I am very much still in my SKAM obsession mood and am currently rewatching it from the beginning, how could I not do another based on the girl squad this time.  For some... Continue Reading →

SKAM Book Tag Boy Squad

I've been so unmotivated lately and I can't seem to do anything other than just watch TV. I'm even failing to get the energy to read which I'm SO ANGRY about. Because ??? PLEASE BRAIN I'm reading a new Stephen King book and I want so badly to read but also I can't read. It's... Continue Reading →

Important Best Friends In Books

I'm not the biggest fan of romance novels, I internally cringe when I'm reading something and every. single. page is just someone going on and on about how in love they are (yes, I say that, knowing full well I am currently writing my own romance novel but WHATEVER). BUT. You know I do LOVE... Continue Reading →

I Love The Unwind Books

So, for anyone who's read pretty much ANY of my blog posts, you've 100% seen me talking about Neal Shusterman's books, or more specifically, his book series, Unwind.  I talk about these books a lot. Well, at least, I think about them a lot. And I think about talking about them a lot. I am... Continue Reading →


I like doing these because I like lists. They just look so organised and pretty and cute. And I wanted to do this because I love Friends (ya, i know, i'm basic like that), but when I say I have watched this show through over 40 times, there's no exaggeration there. That's so much of my... Continue Reading →

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange is one of those books I never thought I'd get around to reading any time soon and I never really had a desire to read it. BUT the perks of doing an English degree is I get to read the books I never even thought about, and while I didn't love this book,... Continue Reading →

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